Bonfire Night Party : 3rd November 2012
The dust – (or should that be the mud?) had barely settled from this year’s Fair when we plunged into finalising the arrangements for this year’s Bonfire Night Party. Please make sure you put down Saturday evening, 3rd November, in your diaries. The arrangements will be as for last year with the crowd area on the field at the cross roads between Little Bytham Road/Clipsham Road and Station Road/Holywell Road. There will be the usual bar/BBQ from 5.30 pm, available to keep out the autumnal chills so bring along friends to enjoy the evening. When I first started the Bonfire Night parties the Fair Committee took something of a gamble as we had no idea whether the event would be popular and had some concern that we might have to drink all the mulled wine and eat the hot dogs ourselves. Instead it has proved an overwhelmingly popular event and the numbers attending continue to grow. We rely on our sales of good food and drink and a small grant from the Parish Council to largely finance the evening and want to continue the free access to the display if we can. “Just in case” we are looking to put up more marquee coverage this year – some of our team are complaining that they are still drying out from the downpour we had on the morning of the Fair. I tell them not to worry – we are made of sterner stuff in the Bythams and can take anything the weather can throw at us – which reminds me, were did I put my long johns? Remember, remember the 3rd of November with whizz bangs, burgers and beer!