Events : 2010
Events that took place in 2010 were as follows …
Saturday 4 December
Spinney Working Session
All welcome to help maintain and progress the Bythams Spinney
Bythams Spinney, Creeton Road, Little Bytham
10am to 12.30pm
Details: Judith Smith 410420
Saturday 11 December
Castle Bytham Senior Citizen’s Christmas Lunch
All Over 60’s welcome
Castle Bytham Village Hall
Details: Angela 410629
Sunday 12 December
Castle Bytham Children’s Christmas Party
All Children welcome, add your child’s name to the list in the Village Shop
Castle Bytham Village Hall
3.00pm to 5.00pm
Sunday 12 December
Anything Goes Christmas Drinks and Nibbles
Pawnbrokers, Castle Bytham
Details: Pat Bowles 410908
Sunday 12 December
Fox and Hounds Pub Quiz
Fox and Hounds Pub, Castle Bytham
Wednesday 15 December
Carol Singing around Castle Bytham
Meet at The Castle Inn, 6.00pm for sherry and mince pies
Details: Sue Blunt 411027 or
Friday 17 December
Creeton Christmas Buffet
Join us for a festive buffet supper, all proceeds to St Peter’s Church
The Old Rectory, Creeton
Tickets £10 from C Samler 410401 and A Garbutt 410563
Friday 17 December
Carol Singing around Little Bytham
Followed by mince pies and mulled wine
Meet in Little Bytham Village Hall, 6.00pm
Details: Sue 410528
Saturday 18 December
Little Bytham Children’s Christmas Party
All Children welcome, add your child’s name to the list in the Mrs Bee’s shop.
Little Bytham Village Hall
3.00pm to 5.00pm
Details: Emma 410678 and Jo 410828
Added : 14/03/11 : MG