Glenside Show
Contact: Jackie Murray, Glenside Show Chair
Tel: +44 (0)1780 41
Glenside Show News (from Glenside News June 2015 : 30/08/15 : MG)
Inside June’s edition of the Glenside you should have received a copy of the schedule for the Glenside Show on July 18th (2015). Please do not lose it, have a look now and make some plans for entering at least one of the classes or getting your children to enter. Without people entering we do not have a show. You do not have to be an expert just willing to have a go and join in the fun.
Entries should be in by Thursday 16th. Please do not leave it later than that as we cannot get out the correct number of tables with enough space to correctly display everything unless we know in advance how many entries to expect.
So please put your copy of the schedule somewhere safe, the date for entry in your diary and start your preparations now. I look forward to being inundated with entries.
Jackie Murray, Glenside Show Acting Chair
Glenside Show News (from Glenside News May 2015 : 07/06/15 : MG)
We are well on our way to being organised for this event which will take place on Saturday 18th July. Please put the date in your diary now
Show schedules will be delivered to each of you inside the Glenside, so you will have no excuse for not entering at least one of the classes.
A new class for all of the children is ‘A creature made from vegetables’, so get those veg seeds sown soon! For the flower arrangers the theme for our special floral arrangement will be ‘To celebrate the 800th Anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta’. So you had better start growing those 800 year old flowers.
We have had confirmation that Madam Zara will be making an appearance to read your palms, and predict love romance and good fortune. Plans for plenty of cake are also on task.
Jackie Murray, Glenside Show Chair
Glenside Show News (from Glenside News April 2015 : 31/08/15 : MG)
We are well on the way to being organised for this event which will take place on Saturday 18 July (2015). Please put the date in your diary now.
Show Schedules will be delivered to each of you inside the Glenside News, so you will have no excuse for not entering at least one of the classes.
A new class for all of the children is “A Creature made from Vegetables”, so get those veg seeds sown soon! For the flower arrangers the theme for our special floral arrangement will be “To Celebrate the 800th Anniversary of the Signing of the Magna Carta”. So you had better start growing those 800 year old flowers.
We have had confirmation Madam Zara will be making an appearance to read your palms, and predict love, romance and good fortune. Plans for plenty of cake are also on task.
Jackie Murray
Glenside Show Chair
The Glenside Flower Show 2011 (edited from Glenside News May 2011 : 10/05/11 : MG)
The annual Flower Show is scheduled for Saturday 23 July 2011 in Little Bytham village Hall. All judges are now finalised and the 2011 event promises to be as popular as ever. Schedules will be distributed as usual with the July issue of Glenside News and a full roster of classes for flowers, fruit and vegetables, flower arranging, cookery, art photography, handicrafts and, of course, the children’s section. We appreciate the support we have from national garden trade sponsorships of prizes but if there are any kind souls out there who would like to sponsor prizes and awards, we would love to hear from you; call Ken Archard on 01780 411112.
The Glenside Garden Competition 2011 (edited from Glenside News May 2011 : 10/05/11 : MG)
Yes, its coming up to that time of the year again and the annual Garden Competition is set to be judged on Saturday 25 June 2011. This year is a special year for the competition with our judge, Mrs Gill Williams, travelling all the way from Wales to do the honours and we look forward to welcoming her to our lovely part of the world. Needless to say, we would like to give her lots of gardens to visit, so if you have entered in the past or if you have never entered, please give us your support this year. Entry is FREE and easy – just phone Ken Archard on 01780 411112 to register your garden. There are special prizes for best small garden, best vegetable patch and, of course, the Society Cup for overall best garden which will be presented at the Flower Show.
Date for Glenside Garden Competition 2011 Announced (edited from Glenside Feb 2011 : 06/02/11 : MG)
The Glenside Garden Competition 2011 will take place on Saturday 25 June 2011. This year we are delighted to announce that our judge for the competition will be Gill Williams who is coming from Wales. So, we hope you will support her effort in making this long journey by entering your garden this year. We know there are some beautiful gardens out there and its time to stop hiding your lights under a bushel!
Advanced Information for the Glenside Flower Show 2011 (edited from Glenside Feb 2011 : 06/02/11 : MG)
The Glenside Flower Show will take place on Saturday 23 July 2011 and with that in mind, we are publishing the list of horticultural classes here so that you can plan plantings and setting for a July crop.
The Flower Arranging, Cookery, Art, Photography, Handicraft and Children’s sections will be scheduled as usual and we will publish a list of these classes nearer the time.
The organising committee very much appreciates the help and sponsorship of the show which it receives each year. If you would like to sponsor classes, prizes or trophies this year, Ken Archard would be pleased to hear from you on 01780 411112.
1. 5 Carrots with tops off
2. 5 potatoes – any variety
3. 5 runner beans
4. 4 courgettes
5. 5 spring onions
6. 2 peppers – any colour
7. 2 cucumbers
8. 4 tomatoes
9. A vase of 3 culinary herbs
10. A vase of flowering herbs
11. Any other vegetable – 3 specimens
12. The ugliest vegetable
13. A bucket of home grown compost
14. 5 strawberries
15. Any other fruit – 4 specimens
16. A specimen rose
17. Sweet peas – 5 stems
18. Gladioli – 3 spikes
19. A vase of 3 roses
20. A vase of carnations or pinks
21. A vase of 3 dahlias
22. A fuchsia : free standing pot not over 8″ diameter
23. A vase of 3 antirrhinums
24. A pot plant – flowering, free standing pot not over 8″ diameter
25. A vase of annuals (3 or more varieties)
26. A pot plant – foliage, free standing pot not over 8″ diameter
27. A vase of perennials (3 different kinds)
28. A geranium or pelargonium : free standing pot not over 8″ diameter
29. A perfect bloom – any variety
Added : 06/02/11 : MG
Last Updated : 31/08/15 : MG