Glenside News Editorial : November 2011
Volume 33 Issue 7 (359th Edition) – wrongly reported as Volume 30 and the 425th Edition in the magazine and corrected the following month.
From Ian Miller …
Last month we (The Glenside Editorial Team) were discussing the impending onset of winter, boiler serviced, oil ordered etc and then mother nature kicks in with a late Indian summer. Happy Days. Girls in summer outfits, beaches packed, barbecues smoking, chaps in sandals (with grey socks) even ‘Skeggy‘ was a temptation. But all good things must come to an end, the press anticipating Arctic winters, snow by Friday – we are all doomed or as it turns out, wet!
However joking a part this is the time of the year to take stock and remember senior villagers. Perhaps just take a bit of time out to make sure all is well and that they are prepared for the cold. And should bad weather really hit us just a quick check to make sure they are coping I am sure would be appreciated.
All good things come to an end. On Tuesday 27 September, the Glenside Committee met to officially hand over the editorial reins to me and Garry. A sad occasion as Peter Cox’s influence will be sadly missed from the magazine. A hard act to follow. Also George Moore and Martin Bradshaw resigned from distribution to be replaced by Sue Hinton. All the villages owe them a vote of thanks for all the years of effort that they put in. Quite how Peter managed to get the magazine to press each month is nothing short of remarkable. The current editors are having trouble keeping up.
One bit of good news is the work has commenced on Peter and Sylvia’s house. According to the appointed contractor, the scaffolding is in place and repairs should be complete by Christmas (or Winter Holidays to be politically correct). As for Peter and Sylvia returning to the village, all we can say is hurry on back – we miss you.
While still on the subject of winter I came across an extract from a very helpful article taken from the Marine Quarterly (unashamed plagiarism here). “A burning passion for birds – advice to mariners on how to light your cabin when you have run out of fuel”. The advice begins ‘a little auk is a bird of surpassing oiliness’. ‘First catch and kill your auks. Then dry them in the standing position, beaks vertical. When dry use drawing pins to fix the feet to the table and light the tip of the beak. Your bird will burn like a candle all the way down to its webs’. The Quarterly advises the ‘the light is a little orange and the smell a little fierce’.
A moment of reflection. My wife and I took a trip to Oakham on Tuesday and parked opposite All Saints Church and on a whim decided to take a look inside. The organ was playing, the organist rehearsing for some future event. We sat for half an hour or so just listening and reflecting. A short break in a busy world.
Whatever is going on? Sunday morning preparing for lunch and listening to Elaine Paige on Radio 2, when I began to realise that I knew all the tunes and a lot of the words – but I can hardly remember what I was doing last week. Never mind. Now what was I saying?
See you all next month.
Added : 11/12/11 : MG