LB Senior’s Xmas Party

The Little Bytham, Careby and Creeton Senior Citizens Christmas Party used to take place in Little Bytham Village Hall in December each year.  Throughout the year various events were arranged to raise funds for the party.

The last Little Bytham, Careby and Creeton Senior Citizen’s Christmas Party took place in ????.


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Christmas Party 1995 (from Glenside October 1995 : 28/12/11 : MG)

As Castle Bytham is going it alone this year, it was felt that the Senior Citizens of Little Bytham, Careby and Creeton should not miss out on a party.  The Village Hall has been booked for 16 December (1995).  We hope to raise funds from a car boot sale.  If anyone has anything suitable, or is willing to help in any way, please contact us.
Susie Hill 01778 590657
Janet Wood 410351

Added : 28/12/11 : MG


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