WI Castle Bytham : Report June 2003
Reproduced from the Glenside News (June 2003) …
The May meeting is ‘Resolutions Time’ and this year’s were briefly discussed and voted for. They were all topical and have been included in government and opposition party policies, so it will be interesting to see what action may result in the course of time. They included concern about children’s diets, exercise and health; care of older people; vocational training to fill the gap in providing skilled workers.
Business was brief to allow member Marion Foers to give an illustrated talk on “Anybody can Draw!”. Using basic shapes she showed how anybody can draw an elephant, a clown or birds, all of which could then be transposed into collage work. Members then used their drawings as patterns and, with a variety of fabrics, braids and trimmings, produced individual collages – quite an achievement in a relatively short time – and quite a busy, chatty group!
Next month’s meeting is June 4th when David Self will be talking about backstage preparations and happenings at a T.V. quiz show – quite revealing! Why not come and join us – 7.30pm in Castle Bytham Village Hall.
Marian Foers
Added : 22/06/03