Castle Bytham Parish Council Minutes : Meeting 10/05/1995

From the Clerk Mrs J. W. Williams …

The Annual Parish Meeting took place on Wednesday 10 May (1995) at 8pm in the Village Hall with Mrs. Yvonne Hamblin in the chair.  After the minutes had been read those trustees of the old school who were present gave an update on the matter.  An offer of £55,000 had been accepted and it was hoped that when technicalities with the Land Registry had been resolved that the sale would go ahead.  Mrs Hamblin said £10,000 had to be paid to Lincolnshire County Council to resolve ownership problems and Lady Willoughby d’Eresby would also have a claim.  Everyone agreed when Mr Payne said that there was concern about security of the school and Mrs. Hamblin promised to inform the Chairman of the Trustees.

Mr Cox reported a balance of £224.18 for the Hannah Mills Charity.

Mrs. Hamblin invited opinions from those present on the Proposed Parish Paths Partnership Scheme.  Mr Crawford complained that the public did not stay on the paths but the view was given that this would be easier if paths were clearly marked.

Mr Payne worried that telegraph poles which were now right on the edge of the South Witham road constituted a danger.  Highways were to be informed.

The meeting was closed.

At the Annual Parish Meeting which followed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed by Yvonne Hamblin, Arthur Perry, Peter Cox and Tony Collison.  Apologies had been received from Geoff Hix and Richard Full.

Six people had agreed to stand for co-option for three vacancies on the council, Nigel Allsopp, Alec Beecroft, Geoffrey Booth, Patricia Bowles, Barry Payne and Michael Tarling.  After voting slips had been received from councillors present Nigel Allsopp, Patricia Bowles and Michael Tarling were duly co-opted onto the council and signed Declarations of Acceptance of Office.  Councillor Hamblin thanked everyone who had put themselves forward.

Election of Chairman followed and Councillor (Hamblin) was re-elected and after the minutes had been read Councillor Hix was re-elected as Vice-Chairman.  Election of Officer followed and thanks were expressed to Mr Hollis who acts as Honorary Water Bailiff.  An Annual Balance Sheet of Accounts was circulated and adopted by the Council.

The meeting was closed.

At the Parish Council meeting which followed, under Matters Arising the Clerk read a letter from (Lincolnshire) Highways.  The drain cover on Pinfold Road had been replaced but the dangerous tree on the South Witham Road had still not been resolved.  The Chairman suggested the Tree Officer might be contacted if there was no progress.

Plans for two planning applications were examined.  Homes by Marshall Limited building at Counthorpe Lane asked for outline planning permission for a bungalow behind those already built.  The Parish Council felt this was backland development and should remain an amenity area.  Alec Beecroft asked for full planning permission for a chalet bungalow and garage south of the Village Hall with a driveway onto Pinfold Road.  By a majority descision it was agreed that the Parish Council would prefer the exit to be through the existing Fox and Hounds entrance.

When discussing the Parish Paths Partnership Scheme the Chairman read a letter from Mr. Crawford suggesting a meeting with all the interested parties to ratify the survey of paths.  It was agreed that the Parish Council should go ahead with the Scheme.  Councillor Hamblin said Mr Foers was interested in forming a committee and Councillor Cox and Councillor Tarling agreed to represent the Parish Council.

As no quotations had been received to repair the bus shelter the Clerk asked if the matter could be postponed.

A site meeting was arranged in the cemetery to discuss work which needed to be done.  The Clerk reported that the cover over the tap was missing.  The council were told that Mr. Meadows had resigned from mowing the cemetery.  Two applicants, Mrs. Meadows and Mr Stead were considered for the post.  After some consideration it was decided that as her husband had kept the cemetery in good order Mrs. Meadows should be given the opportunity to continue.

The following matters were reported under Any Other Business.  The Castlegate pathway has two potholes and the drain cover outside the Wheatsheaf has sunk.  There was a request for a street light to be moved to shine into the bus shelter at the crossroads and the council were asked to examine the situation.  Councillor Collinson asked whether any celebrations had been considered for V.J. Day and the council were asked to give the matter some thought.

The meeting was closed.

The next meeting is Wednesday 12 July (1995) at 8.00pm.

 Added : 10/12/11 : MG

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