Little Bytham Parish Council Minutes : Meeting 06/01/11
As reported in the The Glenside News – March 2011
Mr Jones, Mrs Smith (Clerk), Mr Sharpe (Chairman), Mr T Carter, Mr T Wright, Mr Smith, Mrs Channell
Minutes of the Last Meeting
Minutes of the last meeting on 2 December 2010 were read and approved as a true record.
Village Hall
It was agreed to review the funding for the Village Hall at the next meeting when the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee can attend.
Parish Room
The work will be carried out during January. The schedule of work has been agreed. This will be approximately 4 days work plus materials.
Parish Plan
The Careby, Holywell and Aunby Parish Plan was circulated at the meeting. I Channell told the meeting that Parish Councils may be given more power under the new government providing they get involved with planning. It was felt that this was a huge amount of work but the councillors will consider whether this is taken further forward. It was agreed to review the content of the Careby plan and canvass local opinion.
Glenside Donation – it was agreed to increase the donation to £75 per annum. A cheque was signed at the meeting. The donations for 2011 will be an agenda item at the AGM.
2011 Precept
It was agreed to request £3750.00 for the 2011/12 Precept.
Community Cleaner Grants
There are grants available to employ a community cleaner, this will be reviewed next year. It was felt that litter along the verges is becoming an increasing problem within the village. The situation will be monitored and reviewed at the next meeting.
Added 09/03/11 : MG