
A single choir exists in theBythams area covering the four churches of Castle Bytham, Little Bytham, Careby and Creeton.  The choir is a small group of parishioners who enjoy singing and have lots of laughs during choir practice.

Practice takes place every Tuesday evening at 7.30pm in Little Bytham church.

Call the organist, Hillary, on 410445 for further details and o arrange a lift, if needed.


New Members (added : 07/11/11 : MG)

From the Glenside News (November 2011) …

We are looking for singers to join us so if you enjoy singing why not come along one Tuesday evening?  We share cars from each village so there is always a lift to be had if you do not have transport available, and you do not need to have had any special training – just an enthusiasm for singing.

Call the organist, Hillary, on 410445 for further details and o arrange a lift, if needed.

Added : 07/11/11 : MG


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