Jottings : March 2011
Castle Bytham Parish Jottings
The early severe weather we suffered in November and December prompted the Parish Council to help the community, 3 additional salt grit bins have been distributed around the village and filled and, within its very limited budget, some will be put out on roads and paths around the village if we get more snow. For the most part though, we have to rely on our own efforts to keep the footpaths and roads as safe as possible around the village. Remember it is now official Government advice that we should do what we can to clear snow from foot paths and help our neighbours who may be less able to do so.
Two other initiatives that are ongoing are the development of the Recreation Field and improvements to the countryside footpaths in the Parish. Along with some smaller grants, the award of £9000 for the Recreation Field by the Lottery has allowed a number of improvements for play and recreation.Work has been ongoing for some time to clean up neglected areas of the field; install 5 a-side goal posts and a new full size goal post. In the next few weeks there will be a new slide and play fort on the mounds and tree planting to create a family park environment. If you are not sure where it is go along Glen Road and look for the new brown tourist sign pointing the way and take the children to let off steam.
To mark the Royal Wedding on Friday 29 April 2011 the Parish Council has kindly given permission to use the Recreation Field for a “Picnic on the Park” celebration. [23/04/11 Update : From Peter Hinton “With regret the formal organisation of the “Picnic on the Park” on the Recreation Field off Glen Road to celebrate the Royal Wedding on Friday 29 April has had to be cancelled. There is of course no reason why informal groups should not take advantage of the Field for their own celebrations if they so choose.”] The actual wedding is scheduled for 11.00am so the plan is to set up the field for an afternoon Picnic and BBQ for a start time of 1.00pm. There will be a Bar and BBQ selling the usual favourites but it is also intended that any one can bring their own food and as well as garden chairs etc. for a family afternoon. It is also hoped to have organised entertainments and games to keep the children occupied so keep a note in your diary.
Returning to the Parish Council, we are due an election on May 5th this year. It is important that Parish Councillors not only represent the community but are also accountable to it and the ballot box is the ultimate way voters can express themselves in a democracy. To ensure we have an election requires that at least 10 people come forward to stand as Parish Councillors. If 9 or less candidates come forward there is no election and the nominees automatically join the council. The duties are not too onerous but it is an opportunity to do something for our community to benefit all.
The date when nomination papers become available will be just before the date of publication of the Notice of Election which is likely to be on Friday 25th March. Individual papers will be available from SKDC although multiple sets will be sent direct to the Parish Clerk for distribution. Sets are also likely to be available on the Council website ( The close of nominations will be at noon on Monday 4th April and the last day for withdrawals of candidature will be noon on Thursday 7th April.
Peter Hinton
Added : 11/03/11 : MG