Tag: Jackie Murray

In the Potting Shed

Jackie Murray and Tim Rassell are continuing with their series of practical gardening workshops to help you improve your understanding of plants and gardening. The workshops take place at Rassells Nursery in Little Bytham.
The following workshops are taking place over the next few months …

Beginners Veg and Salads : 8 May 2010, 10.30 – 12.30 … save money and eat better by growing your own vegetables and salads even in the smallets of gardens. Includes seeds and plants to take home.

Hanging Baskets : 15 May 2010, 10.32 – 12.30 … a hands on session of choosing plants and planting up a hanging basket. Bring your own basket to fill or choose one from Rassells shop. In addition to the workshop cost you will also need to pay for the plants and materials used.

Herbaceous Highlights : 12 June 2010, 10.30 – 12.30 … guided walk in the nursery, looking at whats good at this time of year. With tips on planting, growing and maintaining. Some practical parts so bring gloves and secateurs.

Garden Pests : 12 June 2010, 2.00 – 4.00 … parctical introduction to garden pests. Learn how to recognise some of the worst offenders and how to deal with them. What to plant to avoid pest problems including rabbit proof plants.

All workshops cost £15.
To book onto a workshop contact Jackie Murray on 01780 410078