Celebration of Our Community

From the Rev’d Sue Evans …

Celebrate the Community Spirit of Castle Bytham Our Parish Church of St. James has been at the heart of Castle Bytham for nearly a thousand years, as a place for the community to gather to mark life events and important village celebrations.

At St. James – tide this year, we would like to invite all who live in the village to join in a `Celebration of our Community`, where we can give thanks for all the groups and activities that bring our village together and help us to enjoy belonging to such a special place.

The planning team would love to hear from anyone with ideas and suggestions of content for the celebration – music, displays, poetry.

Please contact one of the names below …
Clive Tomkinson – Clive655@btinternet.com
Rachael Barratt – 411022
Sue Evans – 01572 767240 – revsueevans@waitrose.com
Pat Bowles – 410908

And most of all, please come along on Sunday 22nd July at 3 p.m. for the Celebration and refreshments that follow.