Steam Trains on East Coast Mainline : 2011
The following steam hauled trains were scheduled to run along the East Coast Mainline during 2011. The list was based on information detailed on the UK Steam Info website, amongst others, but cannot be described as complete as it was not fully updated during the year.
A P R I L 2 0 1 1
Thursday 28 April
LMS Princess Royal Class 6201 Princess Elizabeth on ECML
Princess Elizabeth will be hauling the Cathedrals Express from Kings Cross to York, passing Little Bytham at around 11.25am and return at around 7.45pm. Please note these timings are subject to change!
Details: and
M A Y 2 0 1 1
Friday 6 May
LMS Princess Royal Class 6201 Princess Elizabeth on ECML
Princess Elizabeth will be hauling the Cathedrals Explorer from London Victoria to York, as part of the first day of a seven day rail tour, passing Little Bytham at around 4.10pm. Please note these timings are subject to change!
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Sunday 22 May
Britannia Pacific 70000 Britannia on ECML
Britannia will be hauling the Peak Forester from Kings Cross to Rowsley passing Little Bytham at around 11.30am and on its return pass through Stamford station at around 7.25pm. Please note these timings are subject to change!
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J U N E 2 0 1 1
Saturday 4 June
LNER Class A4 60019 Bittern on ECML
Bittern will be hauling the Cathedrals Express from Kings Cross to York through Little Bytham at around 10.40am and returning at around 7.10pm. Please note these timings are subject to change! LNER Peppercorn Class A1 60163 Tornado was due to be hauling this train but is now unavailable ‘due to contractual commitments’.
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J U L Y 2 0 1 1
Saturday 9 July
LNER Class A4 60019 Bittern on ECML
Bittern will be hauling the The White Rose from Kings Cross to York passing Little Bytham at around 10.55am and return at around 6.20pm. Please note these timings are subject to change!
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Thursday 21 July
LNER Class A4 60019 Bittern on ECML
Bittern will be hauling the Cathedrals Express from Kings Cross to York passing Little Bytham at around 10.40am and return at around 7.10pm. Please note these timings are subject to change!
Details: and
A U G U S T 2 0 1 1
Saturday 13 August
LNER Peppercorn Class A1 60163 Tornado on ECML
Tornado will be hauling the Cathedrals Express from Kings Cross to York through Little Bytham at around 10.55am and returning at around 7.40pm. Please note these timings are subject to change!
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S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1
Saturday 24 September
LNER Class A4 60019 Bittern on ECML
Bittern will be hauling the The White Rose from Kings Cross to York passing Little Bytham at around 10.55am and return at around 6.20pm. Please note these timings are subject to change!
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Friday 30 September
LNER Class A4’s 60019 Bittern and 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley on ECML
Bittern and Sir Nigel Gresley will be double-heading the Cathedrals Express from Kings Cross to York passing Little Bytham at around 10.40am and return at around 7.10pm. Please note these timings are subject to change!
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N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1
Thursday 18 November
LNER Peppercorn Class A1 60163 Tornado on ECML
Tornado will be hauling the Cathedrals Express through Little Bytham at around 10.15am. Please note these timings are subject to change!
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Thursday 24 November
LNER Peppercorn Class A1 60163 Tornado on ECML
Tornado will be hauling the York St Nicholas Fayre Express from Kings Cross to York through Little Bytham – times to be announced. Please note these timings are subject to change!
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Saturday 26 November
LNER Class A4’s 60019 Bittern and 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley on ECML
Bittern and Sir Nigel Gresley will be double-heading The Tynesider from Newcastle to Kings Cross passing Little Bytham at around 12.00noon and return at around 6.50pm. Please note these timings are subject to change!
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D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 1
Saturday 3 December
LNER Class A4 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley on ECML
Sir Nigel Gresley will be hauling The Lindum Fayre from Kings Cross to Lincoln passing Little Bytham at around 11.30am and return at around 6.30pm. Please note these timings are subject to change!
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Thursday 15 December
Britannia Pacific 70013 Oliver Cromwell on ECML
Oliver Cromwell will be hauling the York Yuletide Express from Norwich to York passing Little Bytham at around 9.50am and return at around 7.55pm. Please note these timings are subject to change!
Details: and
Saturday 17 December
LNER Class A4’s 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley and 60019 Bittern on ECML
Sir Nigel Gresley will be hauling The Christmas Tynesider from Kings Cross to Newcastle passing Little Bytham at around 9.40am and Bittern will be hauling the return at around 7.55pm. Please note these timings are subject to change!
Details: and
Added : 02/05/11 : MG
Last Updated : 10/05/11 : MG