Anything Goes
For more information contact…
Vicki Dennis
Tel: 01780 410233
Pat Bowles
Tel: 01780 410908
Anything Goes Report : April 2015 (added : 31/08/15 : MG)
From the Glenside News (April 2015) …
I was very disappointed that there was no room for my report and invitation to anyone in the village who would like to come and join us at our 10th Anniversary celebration in the Village Hall on February 10th (2015) in spite of sending the copy in early. We had a splendid evening with Richard Adams and his superb photography with wine and nibbles.
Our membership keeps up at a steady number of fifty plus and we usually recruit more new members than we lose through moving. If anyone wishes to join or requires more information please contact me on 01780 410908. The subscription is £10, all we ask is that everyone enjoys themselves and no one is left on their own.
The new programme is now out thanks to Jeremy Skipper and we have a good selection of events to choose from although not quite so many as last year. Dr Ray came and gave us an update on the Surgery and all his new innovations since last year and answered many questions on Match 9th (2015).
The Fish and Chip evening, now renamed Natter and Nosh, is still thriving with a record number booked in each month.
The next event is a visit to the Chinese Restaurant in Oakham on April 8th (2015). Further details from Jeremy Skipper 01572 759275 before March 25th.
Do come and join us, new members always welcome.
Pat Bowles
Anything Goes Report : October 2011 (added : 02/12/11 : MG)
From the Glenside News (November 2011) …
We only had one event in September which was a Cookery Demonstration and Lunch at The Haycock at Wansford arranged by Elaine Wishart, 10 of us attended.
This is a popular event and always excellent. The next event is our Christmas Buffet Lunch on Sunday 27 November at 12noon at Maureen Spencer-Gregson’s home in Swayfield. The tickets are £12 for members and £13 for guests (who are very welcome) this includes food and wine. Please contact Maureen on 01476 550733 before 11 November.
The AGM is on Thursday 12 January 2012. This is a free evening with food and drink when people come forward with ideas for the next programme, so put on your thinking caps! I do feel that we need some more talks in people’s homes and walks with optional pub lunches. These were very popular in the past. Anyone wishing to join Anything Goes is very welcome; the subscription is £10. The venue will be at my new home 22 Glen Road unless all 70 odd members attend in which case it will have to be re-sited and members will be informed. Please contact me if you are attending before 7 January for catering arrangements or possible change of venue on 01780 410908.
Pat Bowles
Anything Goes Report : March 2011 (added : 07/03/11 : MG)
From the Glenside News (March 2011) …
Whoop! Sorry to have missed sending the report for February but time ran away from me!
The Christmas Dinner in the Village Hall was most enoyable, thanks to Vicky for organising it. It was a pity that the weather and roads were so bad that some people could not make it on the night, but those of us that attended it had a jolly good time.
The Christmas Nibbles at Pawnbrokers was a pleasant event starting off the Christmas Festivities. Eighteen attended.
The AGM was held on January 6, again at Pawnbrokers, when free food and drink was provided for 30 members present, and there were 13 apologies, some of whom offered to put on events.
Fifteen varied events were suggested such as a Pampered Evening, visit to Gainsborough Castle, visits to the Recycling Plant, Greyhound Racing, Fermyn Woods, Foxton Locks, the Melton Army Depot to see the horse and dog training establishment and their new kennels, Lunch and Cookery Demonstration at The Haycock, a Moroccon Evening to name a few and of course the Fish and Chips evening on the first Thursday of each month at the Castle.
I have heard it said that there are not enough events that appeal to the younger people but if they join us they can suggest and organise any events that they wish … don’t forget … Anything Goes! And we welcome everyone to come and pick and choose events as they wish. There are only two rules … 1) you enjoy yourself and 2) no one is left out on their own.
We are now in our 5th year with many successful events in the past and to come in the future. I would also point out that we are virtually a non-profit making organisation and all events are priced at only just above cost so they are very good value and some of them are free. Anything Goes is entirely run by the members, there is no committee or chairman. The only official we have is Sue Horton our very able Treasurer and I just hold it together as its original instigator.
Anyone wishing to join or new comers to the village that want to find out more please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Please note that as from March 1st I will be living in Castle Bytham at 22 Glen Road and I am retaining my telephone number 01780 410908
Pat Bowles
Anything Goes Report : December 2010 (added : 15/03/11 : MG)
From the Glenside News (December 2010) …
Nine members joined the 160 attendees at the Top of the World Concert arranged by Jan Revel on October 30th. It was a very successful evening and made a very substantial amount her Tilden Project Nepal Charity. Congratulations on a very good event.
The Annual Christmas Dinner is being held on November 30th which will have taken place by the time this (the Glenside news) goes to print.
The Christmas Drinks and Nibbles is on December 12th at Pawnbrokers at 11.30am. Members £8.00, Guests £10.00 – contact Pat Bowles on 01780 410908 if you would like to come.
The AGM Members Evening will be held on Thursday 6 January at 7.30pm when all members come with their ideas for events for 2011/2012 so that we can get on with the new programme. This is a free event with wine and a light buffet. The venue to be confirmed.
I hope you all have a good Christmas and a Happy New Year
Pat Bowles
Added : 19/09/05 : MG
Last Updated : 31/08/15 : MG
I am very impressed with the website, and what I have found out about Little and Castle Bytham. Can anyone join Anything Goes, or is it for local residents only?
Perhaps moving would be the answer!