1st Little Bytham Brownies meet in the Little Bytham Village Hall every Wednesday evening between 6.15 and 7.45pm.
For further information …
Lesley Sale
Tel : +44(1)780 410319
Appeal for Leaders (from Glenside News 1995 : 10/12/11 : MG)
From the Editor of the Glenside News, Midred Phillipson … The following letter has recently been sent to parents and friends of the local Brownies, and we have been asked to bring the facts to the notice of a wider public. this we are happy to do, as we feel that this very worth organisation must not be allowed to fall by the wayside.
From Elizabeth J Page …
Last summer I volunteered to assist Mrs Lesley Sale in running the Little Bytham Brownie Pack until such time as other adult help could be found.
Regretfully, due to other personal and professional commitments I can no longer continue with my Guiding activities. My last meeting with the Brownies will be on Wednesday 24 May, prior to the half-term holiday. It is essential that at least one, preferably more, helpers are found.
Can you help, or do you know anyone who can help to run this very full, lively unit?
At present ‘Young Leaders’, aged 16-18, can train as Guiders, qualifying on their 18th birthday. Training is given. Any interested adult can become a ‘Unit Helper’ following a discussion with the District Commissioner. This requires a regular commitment, but without actually becoming a uniformed member.
For anyone interested in training or re-training as a ‘Guider’ there is a scheme which will give you not only the necessary skills, but will enable you to meet and make many new friends in Lincolnshire and, indeed, the whole Anglia region. Trainings can take place during the evenings or at weekends, locally or further afield to suit individual needs.
Personally I have enjoyed all my Guiding activities in Lincolnshire over the last 18 years, and hve enjoyed being back with the Brownies after a break of several years. Perhaps you could find a new interest by joining this very worthwhile movement. If you can help please contact Lesley Sale (01780 410319) as soon as possible.
Added : 02/10/03
Last Updated : 30/08/15 : MG