Bythams Woodland Trust

As part of the Millenium Celebrations in the Bytham area a group of local people put foward the idea of creating a woodland play space on a piece of land in Little Bytham. The Bythams Woodland Trust manages The Bythams Spinney which was created from that idea with the help of a grant from the Millenium Commission.

The group meets regularly on Saturday mornings at the Spinney, on the Creeton Road out of Little Bytham, for a few hours undertaking maintenance and further development. For details of when they are meeting visit our Events page.

Work is progresses well but volunteers are always needed to assist with a wide variety of tasks from clearance through path making to installing rubbish bins etc. If you are interested then they would be pleased to hear from you or just turn up on the day.

For further information contact…

Judith Smith
Tel: +44(1780) 410420

Patrick Candler
Tel: +44(1780) 410435

John Turner
Tel: +44(1780) 410391
Tel: +44(1780) 410555


The Bythams Woodland Trust AGM 2015 (added 30/08/15 : MG)

The Annual General Meeting of The Bythams Woodland Trust will take place on Wednesday 10 June (2015) at 7.30pm in the Willoughby Arms in Little Bytham.

This is an open meeting and everyone is welcome to attend.  We will be making a presentation on how the site has changed during the past year and will also be discussing out future plans.


Added : 06/04/03 : MG
Last Updated : 30/08/15 : MG