CB Senior’s Xmas Lunch

The Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch takes place in Castle Bytham Village Hall in December each year,

Throughout the year various events are arranged to raise funds for the Lunch.

Contact: Angela Harris
Tel: +44 (0)1780 410629


Christmas Lunch 2011 (added : 09/12/11 : MG)

The Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch will be held on Saturday 10 December at Castle Bytham Village Hall.  We will as usual be sending out invitations but if you have just moved into the village or reached the young ge of 60 and would like to come along, please contact Angela Harris on 410629.

Fashion Show (added : 06/12/11 : MG)

There will be a Fashion Show in Castle Bytham Village Hall on Friday 27 January 2012, starting at 7.30pm, in aid of Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch.

The show will be hosted by SD Fashions selling designer brands and High Street names including Wallis, Next and M&S at greatly discounted prices.

Tickets : £3.50 (including a omplimentary glass of wine) available from Angela Harris on 01780 410629 or from Castle Bytham Stores.

Prize Bingo (added : 03/05/11 : MG)

From the Glenside News (May 2011) …

The Prize Bingo in Castle Bytham Village Hall on Saturday 26 March raised £485 towards the Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch.  Many thanks to those who donated prizes, helped on the night and/or came along and supported us.  

Castle Bytham Jumble Sale (added : 03/05/11 : MG)

From the Glenside News (May 2011) …

The Jumble Sale which took place on 19 March raised a massive £459.00.  The money has been donated as follows …
Senior Citizens Party : £250.00
Glenside News : £100.00
Castle Bytham Village Hall : £50.00
St James Church : £40.00
Mums and Tots : £19.00
A big thank you to all who donated jumble, the Cake Lady, everyone who helped on the day and the shop for lunch!

Easter Prize Bingo (added : 09/03/11 : MG)

To be held in Castle Bytham Village Hall on Saturday 26 March 2011 at 7.30pm.
Usual good prizes, in aid of Castle Bytham Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch.
To donate a prize please call Angela on 01780 410629.
Everyone welcome. We look for to seeing you there.

Castle Bytham Jumble Sale (added : 07/03/11 : MG)

In Castle Bytham Village Hall on Saturday 19 March 2011 commencing at 1.30pm.
Refreshments, raffle and so many, many bargains.
Donations of jumble welcome – but not electrical or too large items.
The hall will be open on Friday 18th for any jumble to be left.
Donations of Raffle Prizes also welcomed.
Contact Ann Burrows on 410537

The Pensioners Christmas Party (added : 14/03/11 : MG)

A letter from Jenny Wellard, Castle Bytham, which appeared in the Glenside News (February 2011) …

Having moved into Castle Bytham this year, this was my first foray into the Pensioners’ Christmas Party but what an experience!

The Village Hall was beautifully decorated and the glass of sherry on arrival was welcoming after negotiating the icy pavements.  Everyone was dressed in Christmas outfits and made me very welcome indeed.  There were bingo cards laid out at every place, along with a raffle ticket and we kicked off with bingo.  Now not having played bingo for 50 years (in those days we called it Housey Housey) I must admit I did get a bit confused in the beginning; however all was well as I won a prize.

We were then served a three course Christmas lunch with copious amounts of wine and after the lunch mince pies were brought round.  Next on was dancing to the hits of the 1950’s and 1960’s (happy memories), then we had the raffle at which I won another prize.

I reeled home about 4.30pm after having a wonderful time.

I know I speak for everyone who attended when I say a very big “thank you” to everyone for all the hard work, not only on the day, but also during the year, and is it too early to put my name down for next years party?

Table Top Sale (added : 14/03/11 : MG)

We will be holding a Table Top Sale in Castle Bytham Village Hall on Sunday 27th February 2011 from 10.00am to 2.00pm to raise money towards next year’s Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch.
£5 per table and tables must be booked in advance.
To book a table call Angela on 410629.

Christmas Lunch 2011 (added : 14/03/11 : MG)

From the Glenside News (December 2010) …

This year’s lunch will be held on Saturday 11 December for everyone in Castle Bytham who is 60 or over.  As usual, invitations will be sent out but if you are new to the village or just reached 60 please pick up an Invitation from Castle Bytham stores or contact Angela on 410629.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Fashion Show (added : 14/04/11 : MG)

Although Christmas may not yet be over we are starting to raise funds for the 2011 Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch and this is our first event.  Following the success of the last fashion show we will be holding another one on Friday 28 January 2011 in Castle Bytham Village Hall.  Once again it will be hosted by SD Fashions of Leicester who have advised that they will have sale items from leading High Street suppliers such as M&S.  Tickets are £3 to include a drink available from from Castle Bytham Stores or Angela on 01780 410629 from early January.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Added : 07/03/11 : MG
Last Updated : 09/12/11 : MG

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