Little Bytham Parish Council Minutes : Meeting 02/12/10
As reported in the The Glenside News – February 2011
Mr Jones, Mrs Smith (Clerk), Mr Sharpe (Chairman), County Councillor M Trollope-Bellew, Mrs McFarland, Mr T Carter, Mr T Wright
Minutes of the Last Meeting
Minutes of the last meeting on 4 November 2010 were read and approved as a true record.
Village Hall
The running costs of the Village Hall need to be calculated, this will be further discussed at the January meeting. This will allow a suitable contribution to be calculated prior to the 2011 Precept submission.
Parish Plan
J Sharpe and S Smith attended the presentation of the parish plan for Careby. This was reported to an interested meeting. S Smith will report back at the next meeting.
2011 Precept
An approximate budget was presented by the Clerk. This will be discussed at the January meeting and the Precept agreed.
Spinney Update
P Chandler attended the meeting to report on progress at the Spinney. The Chairman’s Annual Report was issued to the meeting.
The Spinney group has been successful in securing some additional land at the north of the Spinney site, this will be a site of environmental interest and will be used by the local school.
A major application has been made to a Lottery Fund for a new project which will include an embankment slide, space net and tree-top walkway.
Coppicing and tree planting is continuous.
A sensory garden is complete.
Future plans for a new meadow are under development.
Current Balances …
Savings Account : £7136.90
Current Account : £2447.13
Cheques were signed at the meeting for …
E Bowman – War Memorial cleaning : £110.45
Clerk Wages : £800.00
Woodland Trust donation : £175.00
There was a request for the HelpLine number for reporting problems to the highways to be issued. The HelpLine number is 01522 782070
Added : 13/02/11 : MG