Rectors Newsletter : April 2011
Justice, Mothers, A.G.M.s, Passion and Fireworks!
Dear Everyone,
A great mixture coming up in April! As the month begins, we are still in Lent and the special Wednesday Evening and Sunday Evening events continue, details are given below.
But on the 10th April at 6 p.m. on Careby Church there is a Special Extra – The Rev`d. Peter Morrell – now a priest, but formerly a Circuit Judge (and still “His Honour”!) will speak and lead a discussion on Restorative Justice. This is a growing movement, promoting ways in which offenders can seek to repair the damage they have done, rather than simply being locked up for a while. This can be a wonderfully healing experience for offender and victim – too often the victim`s needs are forgotten in the current system, and the offender not helped to make a positive contribution to society on release. This event replaces the usual Sunday Morning Service at Careby on the 10th.
Mothering Sunday falls on April 6th, and there will be a special child-friendly Family Communion Service (as we had on Christmas Day) at Little Bytham Church at 9 a.m. Do come and join us to celebrate this special day.
This is the time of year when the Churches have their Annual General Meetings, and we have two in April, two in May. The Parish A.G.M. is for everyone who lives in the village, whether or not they regularly attend worship. Anyone who lives in the village can vote for Church Wardens and anyone on the Church Electoral Role can stand for and vote for the Parochial Church Council. Everyone has a right to know what the church is up to and how it spends its money, and to see how they can help their village church to stay in business!
Careby A.G. M. is in Careby Church on Thursday 7th April at 7.30 p.m.
Castle Bytham A.G. M. is in Castle Bytham Church on Wed. April 20th at 7.30 p.m.
Passion !! is something that happens to us. We are used to that word in connection with romantic love. In the church at this time of year, we think of it in relation to another kind of love. There is a true story of a lady going into a jeweller`s shop to buy a cross and chain. The sales assistant said, “Do you want it plain, or would you like a little man on it?”
Christians believe that the “little man” was God`s Son, Jesus, who lived life as it should be lived, choosing loving service rather than power games and manipulation of others, who cared for the marginalised and the poor and stood up to the tyrants and the unjust, both secular and religious. He showed the love of God in all he said and did and paid for it with his life, soaking up all the worst of human wickedness in his own body and not giving back evil for evil. He let it happen to him. That was his Passion. He did it for us. We remember that in Holy Week, especially on Palm Sunday and Good Friday. We try not to take it for granted. We say thank you in church. All are welcome.
Fireworks!! We have them on November 5th. We have them for parties and some weddings. This year we are having them for Easter – the greatest Christian Festival of all. The day we celebrate the fact that Jesus has given us life beyond death, and our loved ones who have died are safe with him. Come along to Little Bytham Church at 7.30 on Saturday 23rd for a short Ceremony with Candles followed by a Bonfire with Food and beautiful Fireworks (no loud bangs) across the road at the farm.
Our Easter Sunday Services will be at Castle Bytham and Careby.
And now, as mentioned above :
Wednesday Evenings in Lent, 7.00pm to 8.00 pm
April 6th at The Old Barn, 3 Corby Glen Road, Swayfield NG33 4LO
DVD, discussion and prayer on the Cathedral at Lincoln.
April 13th at 1, Manor Barns, Careby
DVD, discussion and prayer on “Nobody`s Child” – the true story of a young offender who became a Christian Youth Minister.
Sunday Evenings in Lent, 6.00pm to 7.00pm (unless otherwise stated)
April 3rd at Rippingale
Stewardship of our Creative Gifts – Patrick Hawes (Composer)
April 10th at Old Somerby
Stewardship of Creation – the Rev`d. Canon Alan Robson (Agricultural Chaplain)
April 10th at Careby – 6p.m.
His Hon. The Rev`d.Peter Morrell –Priest and Ret`d. Circuit Judge speaks on Restorative Justice.
April 17th at Bourne Abbey at 6.30pm!!!
Stewardship of Money (speaker TBA)
I wish you all the Blessings of Easter, when it comes.
Added : 14/03/11 : MG