From Glenside News, April 2015 …
Jane King, Chair Glenside Transport Campaign writes …
The campaign continues and we have been extremely busy pushing the transport issues at a local and County level.
Our meeting at the end of February (2015) with MP Nick Boles and Councillor Patricia Bradwell went well. Mr Boles was supportive and felt a ‘tweak’ could be made to the existing Lincolnshire County Council School Transport Policy and he asked Councillor Bradwell and Mrs Debbie Barnes (Director of Children’s Services), who also attended the meeting, to look at whether this could be done quickly. Since the meeting the response from County has been, that in order to make any changes to the current transport provision a full policy consultation would be needed. Mr Boles is continuing to write to County on our behalf and in support of our campaign.

e have discovered, in the last week, that the Children’s Welfare Scrutiny Committee advised the Executive Councillors in 2006, that the School Transport Policy was unfair and uneconomical and that there needed to be a full review. This advice was ignored and a review did not take place. Councillor Bradwell was at the time, as she is now, Executive Member for Children’s Services and we are extremely frustrated that even though this issue is raised on an ongoing basis by the public and was highlighted as an issue by the LCC Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Bradwell continues to state the the Policy is fair and equal and that there is no demand for change.
On a positive note we continue to receive support from the community, thank you. Councillor Bradwell has confirmed again that a review if the Transport Policy will take place later this year, we still await full details of the review, but we are hopeful that this review will bring a positive change for our villages.
On a final note, we have until the end of April (2015) to get as many signatures on the petition. If you have not already signed the petition but would like to show your support, you still have time to get involved. You can sign the petition in the mobile Post Office in Castle Bytham, or the pubs in Castle Bytham and Little Bytham.
The campaign goes on, if you would like to get involved further or would like any more information please do get in touch.
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