CB Womens Institute
The Women’s Institute in Castle Bytham met monthly in Castle Bytham Village Hall between ?? and ??. The group ceased due to decreasing numbers and the increasing cost of being part of the national WI movement.
Shortly after a few members started Anything Goes which continues to thrive.
The Castle Bytham Womens Institute published a report each month in the Glenside News some of which we have reproduced below …
Castle Bytham WI Report : September 1995 (from Glenside News October 1995 : 15/01/12 : MG)
From Pat Bowles …
Unfortunately we had to cancel our Coffee Morning in September as it clashed with other village events, and also half of the Committee were away. However, our October meeting on the 4th will be an open and recruiting evening. There will be a free glass of wine on arrival, and the speaker will be Mrs. Hosmer, who will demonstrate ‘Sweets for Christmas’. There will be a Bring-and-Buy Sale and a raffle. Visitors will be asked to give £1 towards the speaker and refreshments afterwards. Anyone joining the W.I. now will have three months free membership, so make the most of this offer!
Looking forward to meeting all you ladies on 4 October (1995). We already have 7 more potential members.
Castle Bytham WI Report : September 1995 (from Glenside News October 1995 : 15/01/12 : MG)
From W.E.M. …
The September meeting was a ‘hands-on’ meeting. The President, Mrs Pat Bowles, welcomed all, and introduced Mrs A Walters, who gave a demonstration of patchwork – the Somerset or Mitre design.
Soon about 30 members and their guests were seated with their ‘coaster kit’; pre-cut fabric shapes, coaster template and backing cloth, in front of them, provided by Mrs Walters. We were then kept busy with our work, with help from the speaker.
A September issue of Lincolnshire Life was passed around as it contained a feature on Caspian Horses, bred by our President, Mrs. Pat Bowles.
After a welcome break for refreshments, we were soon back to the task of the patchwork, the more competent members nearly finishing theirs, the rest being taken home. Next month there will be a competition for the best patchwork coaster.
Mrs. Joan Milligan has kindly given a screen to the group to be used at functions.
Castle Bytham WI Report : August 1995 (from Glenside News September 1995 : 22/12/11 : MG)
From D.G. …
August’s meeting was a talk by Mrs Sanson entitled “China – My Highlights”. Mrs Sanson showed us slides taken on her last trip to China. We saw many interesting places including the Great Wall and Peking. This was followed by our usual refreshments – tea, coffee and biscuits.
September’s meeting will be “Somerset Patchwork” by Mrs A Walters. Please do come and join us for a very pleasant evening and a friendly chat.
On September 9th we are holding a Promotional Coffee Morning in Castle Bytham Village Hall from 10.00am to 12.00noon. There will be a Mini Jumble Sale and a general stall and we are hoping for a good attendance.
Castle Bytham WI Report : July 1995 (from Glenside News August 1995 : 18/12/11 : MG)
From D.G. …
July’s meeting was a talk by Jean Morris on the history and making of Stilton cheese. We were shown some very interesting slides which gave us an insight into the complicated process of making milk into the finished product. After this we had ‘tasters’ of a variety of different coloured cheeses, including Wensleydale with apricots and Cheddar with herbs.
The meeting was well attended, and we were pleased to welcome a number of visitors whom we hope will join us as members.
The next meeting on 2 August will be a talk entitled “China – My Highlights” by Mrs Sanson. We look forward to seeing members, old and new, at this meeting.
Mystery Tour (from Glenside News August 1995 : 18/12/11 : MG)
From W.E.M. …
On a beautiful evening, 12 July (1995) twenty members got into five cars, driven by very capable drivers, and started on a ‘Mystery Tour’. We were given instructions for the route and twenty questions to answer. Beginning at Castle Bytham Village Hall we travelled on minor roads and lanes through pretty villages , Holywell, Tickencote and Exton, and countryside looking for signs on churches, graves, houses and shops to answer the questions. We stopped at Barnsdale to admire the lovely gardens.
We then drove to Empingham Women’s Institute at the Audit Hall, where we were welcomed by some members and sat down to a Ploughman’s Supper and other refreshments. Answers were gathered in and marked. The winners were Sue Thomson, Joan Milligan, Margaret Rasell and Susie Hill who were presented with a prize.
Thanks must go to Marian Foers and Judy Midwood, who organised this unusual and interesting outing.
Castle Bytham WI Report : June 1995 (from Glenside News July 1995 : 18/12/11 : MG)
From D.G. …
June’s meeting took the form of a canal boat trip commencing at Woolsthorpe by Belvoir. We met at the Dirty Duck Pub, one group for the 6.30pm trip and another going at 7.30pm. We all enjoyed a short trip along the canal going through two locks and back again. A heavy shower did not dampen the event for the ladies on the later trip. Sandwiches and coffee were provided by the landlord of the Dirty Duck Pub on our return, and in spite of the somewhat inclement June weather, a pleasant evening was enjoyed by all.
July’s meeting will be at Castle Bytham Village Hall and is a talk on The Story of Stilton Cheese.
V.E. Day Party 1995 (from Glenside News June 1995 : 10/12/11 : MG)
From S.D.R. …
We were seated at tables arranged in a ‘V’; Union Jacks everywhere; the ‘Girls’ in boiler suits, short skirts, bobby-socks, curlers and turbans, straight from the munitions production line, served delicious scones topped with jam and cream, and a cuppa.
The rations for the week were displayed, and the music was strictly 40’s – everyone sang, some danced.
Thank you from us all to the members of the W.I. who gave us the opportunity to remember, to share the nostalgia and our thoughts on this very special day. It was great!
From R.B. …
Red, white and blue flags, a ‘V’ for Victory shaped table, and all the old wartime songs – the W.I. did us proud. We were served endless lovely fresh cream scones, and cup after cup of strong tea, by the ladies authentically dressed as 1940’s canteen and factory workers.
Inevitably there was a grand memory-swap, local people describing the celebrations of 50 years ago. One older pensioner even remembered the First World War! We needed help, though, to recall how to dance the Palais Glide.
Thank you very much, W.I., from the older people of the village, for a splendid V.E. Day party.
Castle Bytham WI Report : May 1995 (from Glenside News June 1995 : 10/12/11 : MG)
From W.E.M. …
Val Oldham opened the last meeting in Little Bytham Village Hall on 3 May (1995). The July (1995) meeting will be in Castle Bytham Village Hall.
Pat Bowles, the President, soon arrived after a hectic day and took over proceedings. The Resolutions were discussed t great length and voted upon. The arrangements for the cream teas for Senior Citizens on V.E. Day, 8 May (1995), in Castle Bytham Village Hall, were finalised. Birthday posies for Edna Hopkins and Susie Hill had been made. Delicious refreshments and chatter were enjoyed at a large round table. The June meeting will be a boat trip on the Grantham Canal.
Added : 04/02/11 : MG
Last Updated : 15/01/12 : MG