Little Bytham Parish Council Minutes : Meeting 11/07/95
From the Glenside News, August 1995 …
It was agreed that the collection of rubbish by the amenities truck on 17 June had proved successful.
The hedge at Creeton Road / Park Lane has been cut, but not as much as was needed. A letter will be sent requesting it to be cut back some more.
Glen Close resurfacing – letter received promising that work will be carried out sooner rather than later this financial year.
Notices regarding bogus callers have been put on the notice board and in the village hall.
Traffic calming – letter received from Lincolnshire County Council stating the criteria for extending the speed limit is not met. Criteria may be reviewed in the future.
Footbridge Church Lane – one plank rotted and since replaced.
Council to send a letter to the National Rivers Authority following a complaint about the cleanliness of the river, requesting to know if it causes a risk to children’s health whilst paddling in it.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 10 September (1995).
Added : 18/12/11 : MG