Little Bytham Parish Council Minutes : Meeting 12/09/95

From the Glenside News, October 1995 …

Minutes from the meeting held on Tuesday 12 September 1995

In response to the parish council’s letter to the National Rivers Authority about the quality of water in the rivers Tham and Glen, the NRA stated that the water reaches one of the highest water quality targets that they operate, that of trout fishery.

Glen Close resurfacing – no date available yet.

Grass cutting in churchyard – a rota is to be drawn up in the Spring of ’96

A complaint has been received about the state of the pavement in Station Road adjacent to the pumping station.  A letter will be sent to Lincolnshire County Council.

Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils is running a children’s competition – see notice board.  Also on the notice board are details of an Historic Decorative Arts Exhibition at Willoughby Memorial Trust Gallery, Corby Glen.

Finally, if anyone notices any problems in the village, please let me know and I will report them to Lincolnshire County Council, my telephone number is below.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 14th November (1995) at 7.30pm.

Vanda Richards
Parish Clerk

Added : 28/12/11 : MG


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